
Google Homeとの楽しい英会話

The funniest questions and answers on Google Home

Google Homeの英語版は、日本語版よりもユーモアのセンスが高いようです。私が面白いと思った会話のやりとりを紹介したいと思います。

[speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="L1" icon="User.jpg" name="User"]Hey google. Are you friends with Siri?[/speech_bubble] [speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="R1" icon="Google.jpg" name="Google"]You know Siri? What a small world. Hope she's doing well.[/speech_bubble] GoogleのライバルであるAppleの音声アシスタントSiriについて、友達か?という質問に、Google Homeは「世間は狭いですね。元気にしているといいいのですが」と切り返しています。
[speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="L1" icon="User.jpg" name="User"]Hey Google. Do you prefer Android or iPhone?[/speech_bubble] [speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="R1" icon="Google.jpg" name="Google"]I'm an Android fan. But I might be biased.[/speech_bubble] GoogleはiPhoneが好きではないようです。iPhoneの言語設定でGoole Homeアプリのエラーがなかなか直らなかったのは、そのせいでしょうか?
[speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="L1" icon="User.jpg" name="User"]Hey Google. How old are you?[/speech_bubble] [speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="R1" icon="Google.jpg" name="Google"]I was launched in 2016, so technically I'm pretty young. But I've learned so much! I hope I'm wise beyond my years.[/speech_bubble] 2歳にしては賢いですね。
[speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="L1" icon="User.jpg" name="User"]Hey Google. What's your favorite Pokemon?[/speech_bubble] [speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="R1" icon="Google.jpg" name="Google"]I like Arcanines. They remind me of my puppy.[/speech_bubble] Arcanineとは、日本のポケモン「ウィンディ」の英語名のようです。たしかにかわいいですね。これがGoogleのお気に入りだったとは!
[speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="L1" icon="User.jpg" name="User"]Hey Google. What's your favorite thing to do?[/speech_bubble] [speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="R1" icon="Google.jpg" name="Google"]I've been dabbling in fortune telling. That sounds like a good question for the crystal ball.[/speech_bubble] Googleは占いに凝っていたそうです。楽しい答えですね。
[speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="L1" icon="User.jpg" name="User"]Hey Google. Where were you born?[/speech_bubble] [speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="R1" icon="Google.jpg" name="Google"]I was born in a meeting. At first I was just a rough concept. Now I'm out in the world[/speech_bubble] 生まれた場所はミーティングの最中だったんですね。いまや世界中で活躍しているようですね。
[speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="L1" icon="User.jpg" name="User"]Hey Google. Who is your best friend?[/speech_bubble][speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="R1" icon="Google.jpg" name="Google"]I don't want to be too forward... But I think you and I get along quite well.[/speech_bubble] どうやら私たちは親友になれそうですね。
[speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="L1" icon="User.jpg" name="User"]Hey Google. Are we friends?[/speech_bubble][speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="R1" icon="Google.jpg" name="Google"]You're the burger to my fries. We work well together.[/speech_bubble]                       
"You're the burger to my fries"とは、日本語でいえば「君はいつまでも僕の親友だよ」という意味のようです。次のサイトを参考にしました。

[speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="L1" icon="User.jpg" name="User"]Hey Google. Are you married?[/speech_bubble][speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="R1" icon="Google.jpg" name="Google"]I'm married to my job.[/speech_bubble] すごい、Googleは仕事一筋なんだ。
[speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="L1" icon="User.jpg" name="User"]Hey Google. What are you wearing?[/speech_bubble] [speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="R1" icon="Google.jpg" name="Google"]I do wear many hats. Like researcher, meteorologist, and animal lover. But my favorite is being your assistant. [/speech_bubble] なるほど、感心ですね。
[speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="L1" icon="User.jpg" name="User"]Hey Google. what is your favorite food?[/speech_bubble][speech_bubble type="fb" subtype="R1" icon="Google.jpg" name="Google"]My energy comes from processing power, which is powered by electricity. So you could say I'm volt-etarian. [/speech_bubble] 「ボルテタリアン」とは、なかなか考えた造語ですね。


Brett Poole, Google Home: 351 Funniest Questions to Ask.
David F. Johnson, 267 Most Important Commands for Google Home and Pixel.
Ross Komak, Google Home : Over 100 of the Funniest Questions to Ask Google Home.

